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information analysis for Android downloads

Device Info 1.0 screenshot

Device Info

... "Device Info", the ideal software for all your Android device information needs. Developed by Aleksey Taranov, this powerful app ... makes it simple to navigate and find the information you need, and the app updates in real-time ... just want to keep track of your device's information, Device Info is the perfect tool for you. ...

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Chemical Data 2.9 screenshot

Chemical Data

... program is user-friendly and provides a wealth of information about thousands of different chemicals, including their physical properties, safety information, and much more. Whether you're a chemist, researcher, or just someone who wants to ...

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iCare Hearing Test 2.7.4 screenshot

iCare Hearing Test

... that may occur. Additionally, you can use this information to share with your audiologist and track progress towards achieving optimal hearing health. The software also includes an educational component, providing users with helpful tips on hearing loss prevention and protection. This ...

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Sensor Charts 1.0.3 screenshot

Sensor Charts

... Sensor Charts has an intuitive display that presents information in easily understandable charts. It also enables users to save the gathered data in a CSV file or share it with others via email or other compatible apps. Additionally, you can ...

Sensor Charts 1.0.3 DownloadSensor Charts like
BuySignal 1.02 screenshot


... From real-time market data to customizable alerts and analysis tools, this software has everything you need to ... And with advanced charting capabilities and real-time data analysis, you'll have all the information you need to make informed trades with confidence. In ...

BuySignal 1.02 DownloadBuySignal like
iCare Respiratory Rate 2.7.4 screenshot

iCare Respiratory Rate

... providing accurate readings of their respiratory rate. This information can then be used to detect potential respiratory ... built-in analytics, which allow for customizable monitoring and analysis. Additionally, the software is compatible with a range of different devices and can be ...

iCare Respiratory Rate 2.7.4 DownloadiCare Respiratory Rate like
Engineer General Tools 1.2 screenshot

Engineer General Tools

... including; process engineering models, equations and formulas, data analysis, thermodynamics and much more. The software provides intuitive tools to support your calculations, such as sliders, interactive graphs, and powerful equations. You can personalize your calculations and save them for future ...

Engineer General Tools 1.2 DownloadEngineer General Tools like
ChemMathsDroid 3.9 screenshot


... engineering and mathematical equation-solving software, designed specifically for Android devices. This powerful tool allows users to solve equations, perform unit conversions, create graphs, and obtain extensive physical property data for a wide range of compounds. With an intuitive, user-friendly interface, ...

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